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Reflection from the desk of the Pastor

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is hiring men to become His disciples and prospective missionaries of His Word. Jesus tells them, “Come and follow me,” so that you will be persecuted, so that you will be tried in court; so that you will be live simply and walk humbly, so that you will have difficult life. If you are lucky, you will be killed too and you will work for me not only eight hours a day but twenty four hours a day.

When we apply for a job to Jesus Christ, we do not say, “I am the best so hire me,” but rather we say: “I am the worst. Make something good out of me.”  That is why, very few of us apply for a job with Christ as missionaries of His Word because we experience not pleasure but pressure and could say: “We are the best” but rather we say, “We are the worst of all.”  Dear friends let us help in bringing people to the kingdom by being known as Christians before anything else.