from the desk of Fr. Terry
cannot live without food. Jesus says the same about the Eucharist in the Gospel
of St. John. “If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man, you will not have
life in yourselves,” The altar is the center of attention inside a Catholic
Church. Most other Christian churches have no altars. They are just large halls
which are used for prayer, meetings and sermons. That’s why we Catholics must
remember that the main reason why we come to Mass on Sundays is not only to
attend Mass but to celebrate a Mass with Jesus. We go to Mass not only because
we want to hear the word of God and the sermons of the priest but also that we
want to go to communion and receive Jesus in his body. So when we receive Jesus
during communion “When the priest or Eucharistic minister holds up the sacred
host and says to you: “The body of Christ “, try to realize, in a special way,
what you receive, that this sacred Host is the living body of Jesus. It is the
same Jesus who was born in Bethlehem. It is the same Jesus who was nailed and
died on the cross. It is the same Jesus who rose from the dead.