you read in last week's bulletin, Father
Noel will be leaving us on July 3rd. He will indeed be missed around here at
St. Dominic. In order to thank Fr. Noel for his many years here in the parish,
there will be a reception in his honour on Sunday, June 15th following
the 12 noon Mass. Please take this opportunity to thank Father and to wish him
well in his new parish.
I would like to think Yolanda Swanson,
coordinator, and all the teachers in our public school program who have
volunteered their time every Sunday since last fall to teach our children. Your
work in this program is invaluable and I would like to thank you for your
dedication to St. Dominic Parish. I would also like to congratulate those
students in grade 7 who will have graduated from our program this year. I look
forward to your return in the Fall.
Next weekend is the feast of Pentecost and we will
celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday evening at 5 PM and Sunday
morning at 10 AM and 12 noon. Archbishop Lawrence Saldanha, retired Archbishop
of Lahore, Pakistan, will be here to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation
at the 5 PM Mass. Bishop Boissonneau, our Western Region Bishop, will
celebrate and confirm at the 10 AM and 12 Noon Masses. Let us pray for our
Confirmandi as they enter their final stages of preparation for this important Sacrament.
I wish you a good week.
Fr. Phil