As I said last Sunday at the 12 o'clock Mass, I was very happy to see so many of our children, who had made their First Holy Communion the weekend before, back at Mass to celebrate the Eucharist with us! It is my hope and prayer that you will keep receiving Jesus every Sunday.

Many thanks to our schools, St. Dominic and St. Paul with grade seven and eight from Queen of Heaven, for celebrating Education Week with special liturgies. We will celebrate education week with the entire Queen of Heaven community on Wednesday, May 21 at 9:15. It is wonderful to celebrate Catholic education with all of you.

Thanks to all those who were able to support our St. Dominic Youth Group by purchasing roses for Mother's Day last Sunday. 

There are many themes in today's readings. Among them: "I am the way, the truth, and the life, says the Lord", there is a place for you in my Father's house, knowing God personally, doing the works that Jesus did and knowing God personally. Jesus proclaims: I am the Way (John 14:6). He alone knows the way to the Father because he has been with the Father from the beginning - before time and creation ever existed. The Lord Jesus gives us more than a road map and guide book. He personally is the way to the Father's kingdom, and we cannot miss it if we follow him. He accompanies us on our daily journey and watches over us as the good shepherd who leads and sustains us each and every step of the way.

Jesus proclaims that he is the Truth (John 14:6). Many can say, "I have taught you the truth." Only Jesus can say, I am the Truth. He possesses in himself the fullness of truth. Jesus claims to be one with the Father and to speak the truth which proceeds from the Father. Jesus promised his disciples that if they continued in his word, they would learn the truth and the truth would set them free" (John 8:31). The truth which Jesus proclaims has power to set us free from ignorance, deception, and sin. The words which Jesus speaks are true because there is no lie or falsehood in him. Moral truth requires more than mere words or ideas because the person who speaks them must be true - true in thought, speech, deed, example, and action. Jesus embodies the truth in his person.

Jesus proclaims that he is the Life (John 14:6). He not only shows us the path of life (Psalm 16:11); he gives the kind of life which only God can give - abundant life that lasts forever. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Fr. Phil