I would like
to thank Fr. Ernie for being here at St. Dominic for almost one year. Fr. was
planning a sabbatical here when the Archdiocese called him to ask him to live
here and help Fr. Noel during my medical leave. He agreed immediately! The
adjustment from Nigeria to Toronto is, no doubt, a huge one and Fr. Ernie just
seemed to take it in his stride. He has been a pleasure in the rectory and
helpful in ways too numerous to mention here. And so I wish you, Fr. Ernie,
God’s blessing and grace as you undertake your new post back in Nigeria. Please
continue to keep us in your prayers as you know we will do the same for
you. Bon Voyage! We will miss your
weekly joke!
weekend many people came downstairs to wish Fr. Ernie best wishes as he
prepares to leave us. I must thank all those who organized the reception after
each Mass and all those who were able to come down and enjoy some fellowship
and time with Fr. Ernie.
As of this weekend, we have
completed the 2014 Marriage Preparation Course. On the first night of the
course during the opening ice breaker, I noticed that the couples just seemed
to bond and click like never before. When that happens, I know that we have a
great group of young people who will immerse themselves into the course
material wholeheartedly. That certainly happened and continued for the entire
time. Of course, it takes good coordination and preparation for the course to
be a success too. On that note I would like to thank Brett and Claudia Langill,
the course coordinators/team leaders, and Johnny and Liz Rodrigues, team
leaders and Fr. Noel for his wonderful talk on Sacraments and Marriage. I would
also like to thank Pat Hyland and Assunta Celeste for preparing lunch for both
weekends. The food was delicious! All of our couples are to be congratulated!
You really are a wonderful group! The parishioners of St. Dominic wish you
every blessing as your wedding day approaches and much happiness in your
married life. Thanks again!
Fr. Phil