From the Desk of Fr. Phil

This weekend we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. 
John preached a Baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Why did Jesus, the sinless one, submit himself to John the Baptist? In the humble submission we see a foreshadowing of the “Baptism” of his bloody death upon the cross. Jesus’ Baptism is the acceptance and the beginning of his mission as God’s suffering servant. He allowed himself to be numbered among sinners. Jesus submitted himself entirely to His father’s will. Out of love he consented to this Baptism of death for the remission of our sins. Do we know the joy of trust and submission to God?

The father proclaimed His entire delight in his Son and spoke audibly for all to hear. The Holy Spirit, too, was present as he anointed Jesus for His ministry which began that day as he rose from the waters of the Jordan river. Jesus will be the source of the Spirit for all who come to believe in Him. At His Baptism, the heavens were opened and the waters were sanctified by the descent of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, signifying the beginning of a new creation.

I hope you enjoyed our Christmas celebrations, activities and events. Many thanks to all those who helped with our tree blessing and lighting, our Caring and Sharing day, the evening with Santa from the Jesse Tree to the wonderful Liturgies we celebrated, I hope that you had a fruitful spiritual experience. These celebrations just don't happen. Much preparation takes place behind the scenes many months in advance by so many people. As most of you know, all of our decorations were lost in the flood of last July. Therefore, we had to purchase everything all over again. Many thanks to those who shopped for over 2 weeks looking for sales and the best value. What you see is the result of much work, shopping and decorating to beautify our worship space for this great feast. Many thanks to Mike and Jennifer Pirri of the Apple Market for donating all the flowers. Your generosity goes above and beyond! In terms of our liturgical celebrations, I would like to thank our altar servers, ministers of the Word, ministers of the Eucharist, ministers of Welcome, our musicians and visiting priest, Fr, Milton. If you were at the 5 pm Mass on Christmas Eve, you will know that we have the best actors, angles and trumpet players in town. Under the direction of Jennifer Vandecoevering, our young people did a fabulous job!! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you, not only for your encouragement and support throughout the year, but, in particular, for your generosity to me, personally, and to the parish, this Christmas.

I would like to welcome the couples enrolled in our Marriage Preparation Program for 2014. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you as you come to know your future spouse in a more profound way. As a parish, we pray for you that your forthcoming marriage will be blessed by the grace of God.I look forward to our second session next Friday and Saturday.

I hope you all have a good week.

Fr. Phil