From the desk of Fr. Phil…

"I thirst," Jesus said on the cross (John 19:28). He was physically thirsty, but He was willing to endure this, for He refused the wine offered Him. His real thirst was spiritual; He thirsted for souls.
In the world today Jesus continues to thirst for souls. However, since He now no longer walks in the world as He once did, He needs our help. When He lived in Palestine He spent His days reaching out and touching and healing peo­ple in body and soul. But since His return to heaven, this is our mission, to carry on His work. This indeed was His last command to us, to go out and tell others about Him, so that He could then come to them and bless them with His graces.
We are His apostles today. We are to tell people about Him and His love. But do we? Haven't many Christians turned into selfish individuals, praying only for them­selves and their loved ones and ignoring all those others who do not know of the love of Jesus? This unfortunately is the present Christian posture in our world. We have to get back on the right road; we have to once more walk with Christ and love Him by doing what He has told us to do.
It is the saints who can show us the way. The saints never just talked about love — they did something as well. They, like Jesus, gave love away by helping the needy. The saints shared with others the most precious gift they had —Jesus. They told others about Jesus. The Christian cannot be a spiritual miser and keep the tremendous gift of Christ all to himself. We must do what Jesus told us to do, if we are to please Him. And He told us to share His divine mes­sage with others. "Go out," He said, "and tell everyone about me" (Mark16: 15).
NEW SECRETARY -   As we bid Fiona Pereira adieu, we welcome Mrs. Gloria Noronha, our new parish secretary. Gloria will be in the office Monday to Friday from 9:30 – 4:30. The office will be closed every day from 12 noon to 1 pm for lunch. Please take the opportunity to say hello to Gloria and welcome her to the parish.  Also, please be patient, as she acclimatizes herself to her new surroundings here at St. Dominic – thank-you!
PALM SUNDAY-  Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. Please remember that the Palms will be blessed at the back of the church before each liturgy and distributed after Mass, on your way out.