From the desk of Fr. Phil…

I hope that 2012 is going well for you.  I wanted to thank Bev Carpenter for arranging our special Ecumenical service with all of the area Churches to celebrate the Week for Christian Unity on January 25th. About 50 people attended from various denominations and everything was very well done. I had the privilege of meeting some of the other pastors in the area and I thank them for their attendance and participation too.
The Marriage Preparation Course for 2012 was completed last weekend. I would like to thank Brett and Claudia Langill for their leadership and guidance with our three new couples who came on board this year. Our new facilitators, Dave Balsdon and Lydia Skrt, Jeremy and LeeAnn Wenzel and Johnny and Liz Rodrigues  did a fantastic job with our 17 couples and it was a great experience for us all. Thanks to Doris Zammit, her daughter, Rose and Fatima Amaral for providing lunch both weekends.
As I stated last weekend, the employment opportunity notice is now on our website. Please follow the instructions in the notice if you wish to apply.
I trust you will have a great week ahead.
Fr. Phil