15th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Readings: Amos 7.12-15
Ephesians 1.3-14
Mark 6.7-13

Today we hear about how God chooses people for particular missions within the Church and about how God chooses all of us who believe to give witness to Him. Far too often we have no sense of being called or a sense that God might be asking something of us. Instead, God calls each one of us and invites us to follow Him and to proclaim His message to others.

The first reading today is from the Prophet Amos. We can almost laugh at ourselves when we speak of him as a prophet. The Prophet Amos tell us: " I was no prophet, or have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. The Lord took ,me from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to my people Israel.

By our baptism, each of us is called to b priests because we are called to intercede for others. We are called to be kings because we are called to serve other. We are called to be prophets because the word of God must be proclaimed by us. We should never confuse this form of priesthood with the ordained priest. Nevertheless it is priesthood because the role of priesthood for all of us, whether ordained or not, is to intercede for others with God. For most of us it is clear that we are not kings in the normal sense of that word, but with an understanding that kingship is really about serving others, then we can recognize that true kingship is given to all who serve others to seek their well being and good. And the role of the prophet is simply to proclaim the word that God had given to us. Prophecy does not come from us but it is a matter of our proclaiming the word of God and what it means for our world.

The second reading today is fr0m the Letter to the Ephesians and we are this: "In him we were also chosen destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we mi9ngt exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ." We are called we have been chosen, Why? For His glory, for the praise of His glory. We can really be transformed when we recognize that each of us is chosen. Faith has not just "happened" to us. No, we have been chosen and must respond to that calling, that choice. We have heard the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation, and have believed in him and have been sealed with the promised Holy spirit.

We can live our whole lives without recognizing this call. We can live all our lives without recognizing that we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit. Our Scriptures and our Church keep telling us these realities and so often they go over our heads and we don't understand.

The apostles were sent out. They are given a mission. How much easier for us if God only Chose them and not us! How much easier for us if only the pope, the bishop's the priests must have responsibilities for preaching and spreading the word of God and the joy of His Church! Instead, we are a chosen people and he pope and bishops and the priests are only there to serve the whole church which is all of us.

Today we are invited, each one of us, to recognize our own calling and to seek to know what God asks of us in order to spread the kingdom. Let us open our hearts and our minds in faith.