The blessed are praised for the simplest actions. The actions are the simple response of those who pay attention to what happens in the world of the familiar and who move to answer the needs which confront them. For Jesus, what happens in the world of the familiar has an eternity of importance about it: little acts of kindness have eternal significance. Those who are blessed are not conscious of having done any service to Jesus:”When did we see you....?” They have responded with mercy to those in need, without any great thought beyond that response. “Whoever gives a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you he shall not loose his reward.” In today’s Gospel that thought is extended to embrace “One of the least of these brothers of mine.” The thought now is that Jesus looks upon every kindness done to a person in need, however lowly, as a kindness done to himself. Those who are cursed the bring doom upon themselves because they failed to respond to simple human needs. They are not accused of violent crimes, or offences on a grand scale—any more that the blessed were praised for heroic virtue; rather, they are accused because they failed to act on the human need they saw before them. The shared problem of the blessed and the cursed is:”When did we see you?” That may be our question too, for all we see is the legion of those in need. But the Gospel asks us to interpret what we see. The Gospel challenges us to seethe broken body of Christ in the brokenness and the wounded ness of those we see around us. Christ still suffers in the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned. To pay attention to them is to pay attention to the broken body of Christ. And to do that is to be welcomed as blessed of God, because it is to live as a community of mercy.


  “Lockdown” - Moving to 10 person capacity -  November 2020

 We want to thank all the parishioners of  ST. DOMINIC for their ongoing support during this period of great uncertainty. It has been wonderful to see so many of you at Mass since we re-opened in June. We are especially grateful to the volunteers who have helped ensure our church is a safe place to gather – they have done incredible work!

As you know, the number of new COVID-19 cases in the Greater Toronto Area have increased significantly in recent days and, at present, Toronto and Peel Regions are in the “Lockdown Stage” as identified by the Province of Ontario. In addition, Premier Ford announced on November 20, 2020 special emergency measures that need to be taken in our area.

For this reason, as of Monday, November 23rd, we must restrict attendance inside the church to 10 people, including priests hearing confessions or a staff member/volunteer to monitor capacity restrictions. Sadly, due to these measures, public Masses must be temporarily cancelled. Priests will continue to celebrate private Mass daily for the intentions of parishioners and for those suffering from Covid-19.

Sadly, it is not possible for our parish to remain open at this time in a way that is safe and able to control the restricted number of people permitted in the building.

While I recognize it is not a substitute for attending Mass in person, I encourage you to view online/livestream/televised Masses. A full list is available at St. Dominic church Website, St. Dominic Church YouTube Channel or

Also, all non-essential meetings in the parish will move to virtual meetings or they may be postponed. Our staff will also be working remotely in large part wherever possible

Dear people of God .

At a time like this I feel uncomfortable to talk about giving. Our primary concern is health and well being of our parishioners. However, No doubt you are aware that our Parish relies on the support of our Parish members for the upkeep of the Church. Kindly support us with the donations (weekly offerings) . Thank you for your great help during this challenging time! God bless you all!

We recognize these measures are extremely challenging. I am also so incredibly grateful for the efforts of our heroic volunteers who have been faithfully welcoming parishioners and cleaning the church between services, ensuring that we can operate safely and responsibly. Your selflessness and generosity is inspiring!

So many of the faithful rely on the reception of the sacraments and our churches to find solace, peace and support during this period of pandemic. Despite these new restrictions, we will make every effort to continue our outreach to you. We also ask that you find opportunities to assist those who are vulnerable or alone among us.

We will continue to update you as the situation evolves. (refer to parish website or social media channels if appropriate) We pray that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy. May God continue to bless you now and always!


As public Masses are cancelled  weekend Mass will be still live-streamed every Sunday at 10 am in our Parish Website and YouTube page. You can also watch the Mass later in the day. If you can, please consider dropping off your church donations in the mailbox, newly installed at Atwater Ave Church entrance door .


(For protection from the Coronavirus)

O Mary, you shine continuously in our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.

We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the sick. At the foot of the cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman people, know what we need. We are certain that you will provide, so that as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to confirm ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us , through the cross, to the joy of the Ressurrection. Amen. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas-we who are put to the test-and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and Blessed Virgin.


Dear people of God .

At a time like this I feel uncomfortable to talk about giving. Our primary concern is health and well being of our parishioners. However, No doubt you are aware that our Parish relies on the support of our Parish members for the upkeep of the Church. Kindly support us with the donations (weekly offerings) . Thank you for your great help during this challenging time! God bless you all!


+ Durval Medeiros

+ Alfanso Cotoia

+ John Lopes

+ Hilda Ipekian

+ Isidro Viveiros

+ Antonina Fortun

+ Monica Samson

+ Nesta Pougnet

+ Mihajlo Kvansi

+ Maria Raposo

+ Delna Dusome

+ Vasvari Belane


























Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday from 9.30am —12 noon. 1pm — 4.30pm .Please call the parish office before you arrive.


Thanks for all your support and cooperation. I sincerely thank our YouTube mass Team. Sean for providing music and technical support. Joshua, Larissa Freddy And Farrell Gonsalves for their assistance with the liturgy. Our Parish Council Members Lisa Hyginus and Branca Noronha may contact you at this difficult time just to make sure you are ok. We are here to serve you and will address any issues to the best of our ability! God bless!



We congratulate and welcome our newly baptized child Simone Rose Novielle to our parish Community! Let’s rejoice in the Lord and give praises to him!


  Saint Vincent De Paul Appeal For our Annual Collection

 Envelopes for Saint Vincent de Paul Society collection are in your boxes and are also being distributed this week.

 We act on behalf of St. Dominic’s Parish community from the donations you make to the poor box, located at the doors,  the Food drives organized by the schools, and our once a year offertory collection which is scheduled for next Sunday.  The money collected is used all year by the Society.  We are quite remarkable in that 100% of the donations are given away. No expenses or honoriums are deducted by the Society, we do not take mileage. We make visits and give groceries and/or vouchers for the grocery stores to our neighbours in need. Because of Covid -19 we have not made home visits since March, but we continue to support about 30 families a month. We mail grocery vouchers to our families in need. This means that they are not able to get the food that we have in our pantry that we used to deliver as an additional source of support.

So far this year we have answered over 330 calls for support  home, issued 309 grocery vouchers totalling approximately $17,000.00 and given out about 300 bus tickets. We have ordered 6 beds and tables and chairs.  As a Society in this Parish we have provided over 500 volunteer hours in outreach.

So please donate generously next week. It allows us to reach out for you and from you.

 We are also in need of new members. If you are interested in serving your community please leave your name on extension 6 of the church phone line, or leave your name in the office. We meet virtually once a month. Thank you for your support.