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This Sunday, we conclude the Easter Octave, we see one of the most important ways Jesus established for us to enter into his Risen joy: it’s  through the experience of his merciful love that he gives us in the Sacrament of his Merciful Love. Jesus walked through the closed doors of the upper room where the apostles were huddling together out of fear and he said to them, Shalom! “Peace be with you!” Jesus has come down from heaven to earth and had sacrificed his life to give us peace, but it was a special kind of peace, one the world can’t give or take away. The peace Jesus gives is not the mere absence of war or conflict, but harmony with God through the forgiveness of sins. Without this type of peace, no other form can endure, because it is sin that destroys interior peace, the peace of the home, the peace of friendship, the peace of communities, the peace of nations. And so Jesus, wasting absolutely no time to set the next stage of his peace plan in motion, in the night of his resurrection divinely empowered the apostles as his peacemakers to bring that gift, and the joy to which it leads, to the ends of the earth. It’s important for us to pay close attention to the various steps Jesus took in today’s Gospel so that we can understand better the divine foundation of the sacrament of Mercy. Jesus gave the apostles the Holy Spirit so that they might forgive the sins in God’s name, just as we hear every time the priest pronounces those beautiful words in the sacrament of Penance. “God the father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son, has reconciled......sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins.” Hence, every reconciliation is a Resurrection. That’s why it’s so fitting today, as we conclude the Easter Octave, that we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Back in 2000, St. John Paul II established this feast on the second Sunday of Easter so that all of us could thank God for the gift of his merciful love that led him to stop at nothing in order to save us from our sins and from the eternal death to which our sins lead. Let this Divine Sunday be for us an opportunity to show mercy to others especially those who have wronged us. Knowing fully that God is always forgiving us and granting us divine mercy. Divine mercy of Jesus we trust in you, let your presence before us. For the sake of his sorrowful passion! Abba Father Have Mercy on us and on the whole world! Mama Mary pray for us! Amen!

                  A BIG THANK YOU
Dear people of God . During this difficult and important time of Holy Week, with your support and cooperation we were able to reach out to our community through Instagram by live-streaming of our Holy Week Services.
·       Thanks to Larissa, Freddy, Leonardo ,  Farrel and Camilus Hyginus for their initiative and assistance to this little way of reaching out to our people and getting them connected to our parish.
·       Thanks to Franca and Sergio for providing new linens for the altar and fixing the mailbox at Atwater church entrance door and donating New  processing cross. Sean provided music for Easter Sunday Mass and will continue to do so on all Sunday masses.
·       I acknowledge his good job in setting up St. Dominic Church Mississauga YouTube. Com page. This  Sunday Mass will be broadcasted on YouTube at 11 am. We also Especially Thank you, for sending your donations through various ways and supporting your Church.
·       Thanks to Luis Gomes who does a wonderful job in updating our St. Dominic website page regularly in a creative way! Thank each and everyone of you for all that you do for the church!

God bless us all. May our Blessed Mother Mamma Mary intercede for us! St. Dominic pray for us!

                REST IN PEACE
+Dominic Baah
+Tarcisio Doracin

             MEMORIAL MASS

On April 26, 2020 is the First Death Anniversary of our beloved former Pastor Fr. Phil Jones  We will be offering the Mass for his Soul. May God grant him eternal rest! May his soul Rest In Peace!