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Today we are celebrating a big feast and our church’s calendar calls it Epiphany. Epiphany in Greek means, “manifestation.” A manifestation of Jesus Christ Himself to all people and manifestation of God to all the people through Jesus Christ. This feast is not a holy day of obligation. This is transferred to Sunday so that the people may benefit from this feast and at the same time a continuous reflection on the meaning of Christmas. In our gospel reading today, God uses a special and unusual rising star which twinkles across the sky, drawing the wise men from the east all the way to Jerusalem. They left their homes and material security behind and experienced hardships on the road as the star momentarily disappeared. Their only hope is that at the end of this arduous search they could look upon the star, the light of the world which is Jesus Christ Himself. Often the lights that lead us to Christ shine through our loving parents who introduce us to Jesus at an early age. For me, I met and encountered the Trinitarian God through my parents because they taught me on how to make the sign of the Cross. Others have stars like teachers who inspire them by their knowledge of Scriptures their love of the church and their heroic virtues. This shining people bring us towards the king of light, Jesus himself. We don’t bring gold, frankincense and myrrh to God. Rather, we bring our hearts, minds, souls and bodies to Him. Guided by the light of those around us, we ourselves become lights to others.