Gospel passage talks about our attitude towards our faith and our active faith
in God. What supposed to be are the attitudes of a Christian towards his/her
faith in God? Does it mean going to Mass every Sunday? Does it mean praying or
having statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and other Saints in our house? Does
it mean sharing one faith, one Baptism and one Lord? Yes, but more than these,
a Christian should not be known only by his/her attitude towards his/her faith
but most especially on how he/she acts upon this faith through loving. Sometimes, it is easy to be faithful and
loving to God and to others when everything is going well for us just as it is
easy to be loving and kind to pleasant and nice people. But we make so many
excuses and we don’t want to perform our responsibilities as believing
Christians. We are challenged to do our duties as Christians and live with them
by nurturing and developing the gift of faith. God says do your best and I will
do the rest. Faith in God presupposes faith in ourselves.