ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH HAS A NEW Email: ( Please note the upper and lower case on the email.)/

Christ the King Sunday

Envelopes for Saint Vincent de Paul collection are in your boxes and are also being distributed this week.

We act on behalf of St. Dominic’s Parish community from the donations you make to the poor box, located at the doors,  the Food drives organized by the schools, and our once a year offertory collection which is scheduled for next Sunday.  The money collected is used all year by the Society.  We are quite remarkable in that 100% of the donations are given away. No expenses or honorarium are deducted by the Society, we do not take mileage. We make visits and give groceries and/or vouchers for the grocery stores to our neighbours in need.

So far this year we have made 340 home visits, issued 309 grocery vouchers totaling $18,221.00, delivered 427 bags of groceries and 341 bus tickets. We helped 275 children, and 576 adults. We sent 9 children to summer camp, ordered 6 beds, and helped people with rent arrears. As a Society in this Parish we have provided 500 volunteer hours in outreach.

Please donate generously next week. It allows us to reach out for you and from you. 

We are also in need of new members. If you are interested in serving your community please leave your name on extension 6 of the church phone line, or leave your name in the office. We meet once a month here at the church. Thank you for your support.