Welcome back to all our
parishioners and welcome to our new families who have joined the parish
over the summer months and those in our school communities too. I hope
that you all had a great Summer with some rest and relaxation. Special welcome
back to all our students and school support staff and in particular our
Principals, Vice- Principal and Chaplain: Queen of heaven Catholic Elementary, Principal,
Michelle McCann, St. Dominic Catholic Elementary, new Principal, Julie Tollis
and St Paul Catholic Secondary, Principal, Jim Horvath, new Vice-Principal,
Massimo Giannobile and Chaplain, Jim McCleevy. I look forward to working with
all of you this school year.
thoughts on today’s Gospel.....
What's the best way to repair a
damaged relationship? Jesus offers his disciples spiritual freedom and power
for restoring broken or injured relationships.
What can we learn from Jesus'
instructions about how to mend a damaged relationship? If we feel we have been
wronged by someone, Jesus says the first step is to speak directly but
privately to the individual who has done the harm. One of the worst things we
can do is brood over our grievance. Scolding someone in public is not on Jesus’,
If we truly want to settle a
difference with someone, we need to do it face to face. If this fails in its
purpose, then the second step is to bring another person or persons, someone
who is wise and gracious rather than someone who is hot-tempered or judgmental.
And if this fails, then we must still not give up, but seek the help of the
Christian community, Christians who hopefully will pray and seek a
solution for reconciliation based on Christian love and wisdom, rather than
relying on coercive force or threat of legal action.
Lastly, if even the Christian
community fails to bring about reconciliation, what must we do? Jesus seems to
say that we have the right to abandon stubborn and obdurate offenders. The
tax-collectors and Gentiles were regarded as "unclean" by the
religious-minded Jews and they resorted to shunning them. However we know from
the Gospel accounts that Jesus often had fellowship with tax-collectors (as
well as other public sinners), ate with them, and even praised them at times!
Jesus refuses no one who is open to receive pardon, healing, and restoration.
Saturday September 30 in the Parish Hall 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Our annual harvest bazaar is a
fundraiser for St. Dominic Parish. All monies raised at this event go
directly to the parish. Therefore, your help and support is crucial to its
success. Please come out with your family, friends and neighbours and support
your parish. Sign-up sheets for helpers on the day of the Bazaar and for
bakers, are at all the entrances of the church. Please take a moment to sign up
if you can bake or sign up if you can help. We need your participation to make
this event a great success. The bazaar flyer that you have received explains
the bazaar in detail. Thank you in advance for your support. I look
forward to seeing you there.
Fr. Phil