ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH HAS A NEW Email: ( Please note the upper and lower case on the email.)/

Feast of the Holy Trinity

Jesus reveals the Father in an unheard of sense. He is eternally Father by his relationship to his only-begotten Son, who, reciprocally, is Son only in relation to his Father. The Spirit, likewise, is inseparably one with the Father and the Son. Jesus reveals the triune nature of God and the inseparable union of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The mission of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit are the same: to reveal the glory of God and to share that glory with us by uniting us in a community of love with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That is why Jesus tells his disciples that the Spirit will reveal the glory of the Father and the Son and will speak what is true. Before his Passover, Jesus revealed the Holy Spirit as the 'Paraclete' and Helper who will be with Jesus' disciples to teach and guide them "into all the truth”. The ultimate end, the purpose for which God created us, is the entry of God's creatures into the perfect unity of the blessed Trinity. In baptism we are called to share in the life of the Holy Trinity here on earth in faith and after death in eternal light in the kingdom of Heaven. 

CONFIRMATION - Once again, congrats to all our students who were confirmed last weekend.  Please keep in mind what I asked you about last weekend: joining one of the ministries in the parish. Your presence is much needed here at Mass and in ministries. Last week in my notes of thanks, I failed to mention our Confirmation Retreat Director:- Anne Brisbois - Abbott. Thank-you Anne.

MASS TIME CHANGE: Please note that on Wednesday, June 28th, Mass will be at 10:00 am, not 9:15 am. This is the closing/graduation Mass for St. Dominic School. All are welcome.

Wishing you all a great week.

Fr. Phil