I hope you all had a good Easter and that our Holy Week and Easter Liturgies were meaningful for you. All of the celebrations that you experienced, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday require a tremendous amount of preparation and many people are to be thanked for their help.   I would like to begin with our various ministers who signed up for ceremonies, including, Ministers of the Word, Eucharistic Ministers, Ministers of Welcome and the Altar Servers. I could not conduct these liturgies, sometimes complicated, without your assistance and I thank you for your dedication and willingness to step up to the plate, especially during these times.

It was great having St. Dominic Youth Group, under the direction of Betty Alilovic, lead the Stations of the Cross for us on God Friday. It is a wonderful sign to our parishioners to see our young people involved in liturgy. 

As a parish community, we have welcomed six new members this Easter: Nicole Lessey, James Date, Nick Eleid, Lisa Blabino, Lindsay Texiera and Nataliia Kolodenko. On that note, I would like to thank Barabara-Anne Krampart and Silvio Fernandes for their spiritual guidance and leadership in the R.C.I.A. program every Wednesday evening since last September. Your dedication to this program is simply invaluable to me.

All of our ceremonies were wonderful but the Easter Vigil is always the highlight of the year. We enjoyed a very joyful Easter Vigil and I was very pleased that so many of you came out to experience it this year.  The reception afterwards was very well attended too and I would like to thank Isabel and Dominic DeFilippis and Alex Lupton for arranging this party for us.

The church decorations for each liturgy were also very well done and I would like to thank Trevor and Jennifer Theile for donating the Good Friday palm decorations and Mike and Jennifer Pirri from the Apple Market for their generous donation of all the Easter flowers. Thanks also, to Bridie Boyd for her flower arranging for the Easter Vigil.

As I have said many times before, our musicians enhance all of our liturgies with their beautiful music! I would like to thank our 10 am choir, under the direction of Anthony Bastianon and our 12 noon choir, under the direction of Mark Linsao for their hard work in preparing for these liturgies. As I said on Easter Sunday, both choirs outdid themselves and I know that we are all grateful, not only at this time, but every weekend. Their beautiful music certainly enhances every liturgy here at St. Dominic. I would also like to thank those young people, home from university for the weekend, who joined our choir for Taize at the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. You are always welcome in the choir whenever you are home.

Last, but not least, let me thank each one of you, the parishioners, not only for your participation in our Easter Liturgies but for your weekly support and encouragement by your presence every Sunday.  I sincerely hope that you found the Easter celebrations spiritually beneficial and meaningful. As we continue to celebrate the Easter season let us continue to be people who are knitted together by the risen Christ!

Thanks again to all!

Fr. Phil