A few weeks ago I wrote about some of the
repairs that need immediate attention around the building. At that time, I
mentioned the importance of the maintenance collection in helping us try to
keep up with these soaring costs. In keeping with this, I want to thank for
your contributions to the maintenance collection on the first weekend of March,
($3308.55). This is, in fact, the highest I have seen it since my arrival.
Thanks again! As you already know, we have also had several drain issues and
new plumbing requirements in the past month. There are a few more maintenance
issues that need attending to when the weather improves including, replacement
of the eaves troughs and the re-facing and re-pointing of some of the brickwork
outside. The clean-up, ($63,000) and restoration, (91,179), is finally complete
from the July flood. Catholic Mutual, our insurance company, paid their
portion and we are now responsible to pay our portion of the bill, which is
$14,000. This information will, no doubt, give you an idea of what it costs for
the normal upkeep of our building and the costs resulting from disaster, over
and above the day to day operation of the parish and our programs. As
always, many thanks for your generosity.
Why did Jesus appear in dazzling light with
Moses and Elijah? The book of Exodus tells us that when Moses had met with God
on Mount Sinai the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with
God (Exodus 34:29). Paul the Apostle wrote that the Israelites could not
look at Moses' face because of its brightness (2 Corinthians 3:7). After
Elijah, the greatest of the prophets, had destroyed priests and idols of Baal,
he took refuge on mountain of God at Sinai. There God showed Elijah his glory
in great thunder, whirlwind, and fire, and then spoke with him in a still quiet
voice: In so many words God questioned Elijah, "What are you doing
here?" And then directed him to go and fulfill the mission which he sent
to accomplish for the sake of God's name. Jesus, likewise, appears in glory
with Moses and Elijah, as if to confirm with them that he, too, is ready to
fulfill the mission which his Father has sent him to accomplish.
Jesus went to the mountain knowing full well
what awaited him in Jerusalem - his betrayal, rejection and crucifixion. Jesus
very likely discussed this momentous decision to go to the cross with Moses and
Elijah. God the Father also spoke with Jesus and gave his approval: This is
my beloved Son; listen to him. The Father glorified his son because he was
faithful and willing to obey him in everything. The cloud which overshadowed
Jesus and his apostles fulfilled the dream of the Jews that when the Messiah
came the cloud of God's presence would fill the temple again (see Exodus 16:10,
19:9, 33:9; 1 Kings 8:10; 2 Maccabees 2:8).
The Lord Jesus not only wants us to see his
glory - he wants to share this glory with us. And Jesus shows us the way to the
Father's glory - "follow me" - "obey my words." Take the
path I have chosen for you and you will receive the blessing of my Father's kingdom
- your name, too, will be written in heaven." Jesus fulfilled his mission
on Calvary where he died for our sins so that Paradise and everlasting life
would be restored to us. He embraced the cross to win a crown of glory that
awaits each one of us, if we, too, will follow in his footsteps.
Fr. Phil