I hope that the Holy Week and Easter
celebrations were very meaningful for you.
Many thanks to all the priests, Fr. Noel, Fr. Rudy, Fr. Ernest and Fr.
Milton for celebrating the ceremonies with you. I truly missed not being there.
I would also like to thank all those ministers who also contributed to our
liturgies: Ministers of the Word, Eucharistic ministers, music ministers,
ministers of welcome and altar servers. Many thanks to Barbara- Anne Krampert for her work in preparing John Han
to be received into the Church and Sarah Cromie
in preparation for her first holy communion. I heard that the reception after the Easter
Vigil was very well done and I thank Dominic and Isabel De Filipis for
organising this event.
word about our cross at the top of the church – As many of you
already know, the cross was leaning for several months. A recent windstorm caused more serious
damage. In the interest of safety for
all concerned, I called the insurance company to inspect the damage on March 25th.
I agreed with their findings that the cross should be removed immediately lest
it should fall and cause unknown damage or injury to anyone or anything. I understand that it was probably not the
best week, Holy Week, to be ‘crossless’ but the more important thing was what
happened inside the church between all of you.
I have been told by the crane and repair company that the cross will be
repaired and re-installed soon. The insurance company has agreed to cover this
huge expense minus the deductable of $2500.00.
word about my first surgery: As
you know from previous bulletins, my first surgery is tomorrow, April 8th
at 8am. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Once again, many thanks for
the numerous Mass cards get well cards and Easter cards I have received. I am
looking forward to being back with you soon.