I hope
that our Advent, Christmas and New Year’s celebrations and events were
meaningful for you. I would like to thank all those who worked so hard behind
the scenes in preparation for each ceremony.
In particular, our readers, ministers of communion, musicians, altar
servers, ministers of welcome, our Christmas pageant leader and players, collection
counters, Knights of Columbus, Youth Ministry, parish custodian and so many
people who came to decorate the church. Thanks also to Santa who managed to
visit us three times during the season.
Fr. Noel and I would like to thank all of you for your good wishes,
cards and gifts. Your generosity is very much appreciated!
preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:3). Why
did Jesus, the Sinless One, submit himself to John’s baptism? In this humble
submission we see a foreshadowing of the “baptism” of his bloody death upon the
cross. Jesus’ baptism is the acceptance and the beginning of his mission as
God’s suffering Servant. He allowed himself to be numbered among sinners. Jesus
submitted himself entirely to his Father’s will. Out of love he consented to
this baptism of death for the remission of our sins. Do you know the joy of
trust and submission to God?
Father proclaimed his entire delight in his Son and spoke audibly for all to
hear. The Holy Spirit, too, was present as he anointed Jesus for his ministry
which began that day as he rose from the waters of the Jordan river. Jesus will
be the source of the Spirit for all who come to believe in him. At his baptism
the heavens were opened and the waters were sanctified by the descent of Jesus
and the Holy Spirit, signifying the beginning of a new creation.
I hope you have a great week!
Fr. Phil