From the desk of Fr. Phil.....

The Foods of the World Dinner was very well attended this year. I would like to thank all those who prepared the wonderful food from all the different countries. Many thanks to our Social Committee, who organized the event, decorated and prepared the hall and worked tirelessly all day to ensure an enjoyable time for all. Thanks to Joe Vetro, his daughter, Kaitlin and Dylan Prior for the music and videos from all the different countries.  Additional thanks and appreciation to all of our bakers who provided our delectable desserts.  Approximately 175 people were in attendance and I thank all of you for your support of the event and thus, the parish. Our Youth Ministry had a very successful day with their rose campaign for Mother’s Day and I would like to thank you for your support of our Youth Ministry. Please remember the Coffee House on May 26th after the 5 PM Mass where our Jamaican visitors will be in attendance.

On May 26th at the 5 PM Mass and on May 27th at the 10 AM and 12 Noon Masses, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Congratulations to all those who will be confirmed.  Please remember my challenge to you is to take an active role in the parish by joining one of our ministries.

For your information, I will be away this coming week on retreat with other priests from the Archdiocese.

I trust that you will have a great week!

Fr. Phil