From the desk of Fr. Phil…

I would like to thank our Social Committee and all their helpers for staging a wonderful evening this past Sunday. The food, the music, the prizes and decorations were all first class! The approximate total funds raised is $5000.00. Many thanks to you, the parishioners, for your support of this and all events. Your support and attendance at parish events makes all the preparation work worthwhile. I hope to see you at our St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Dance too!
A note about our food bank: We are extremely low on our food supplies and I would like to begin a drive throughout Lent. One item, from the list in the bulletin, from each person, would see us through until Easter. Thank-you in advance for your generosity.
Lenten Thoughts
To truly enter into the spirit of Lent is to grow in freedom, in discriminating wisdom, and in truth. It allows us to see through the cheap attractiveness of temptation and become inclined to the deeper truths that underlie our hearts' deepest, truest desires.
Meditation: What in my life attracts or tempts me to substitute truth for comfort, the status quo for conversion, apparent goods for the only true good in my life?
Prayer: Lord, it is so easy to be deceived. Give me wisdom to discern truth, and the courage to live that truth in my life.   Wishing you all a prayerful Lenten Season!
Fr. Phil Jones