Local Celebrations for Cardinal-designate Collins Announced

Picture courtesy Acrchdiocese of Toronto Blog
As we prepare for a very busy February/March, we're now able to share details of the local celebrations to welcome Cardinal-designate Collins upon his return from Rome. There will be plenty of opportunities in this space to highlight the activities at the Vatican in mid-February soon enough. 

For now, we want to ensure that Catholics throughout the
 Archdiocese know that they will personally have a chance to pray and celebrate with Canada's newest cardinal through a series of regional celebrations scheduled for late February and early March.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - High Pontifical Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral - due to the space limitations at the Cathedral, attendance at this ticketed event will be by invitation only.

The following celebrations are open to the public and will include Mass (beginning at 7:30 p.m.) followed by a reception.

Thursday, March 1, 2012 – Central Pastoral Region – Blessed Trinity Parish, Toronto - 3220 Bayview Ave. (Map)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 – Eastern Pastoral Region – St. Isaac Jogues Parish, Pickering - 1148 Finch Ave. (Map)

Monday, March 12, 2012 – Western Pastoral Region – St. Francis Xavier Parish, Mississauga - 5650 Mavis Rd. (Map)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012 – Northern Pastoral Region – St. Clare of Assisi Parish, Woodbridge - 150 St. Francis Ave. (Map)

The Diocese of Hamilton is also planning a similar celebration in the new cardinal's hometown of Guelph for later in the month.

As for the Rome celebrations, plans for the official delegation have been confirmed with what promises to be an exciting February at the Vatican. We'll do all that we can to bring the consistory experience to you through photos, video, social media and whatever other tools that may be available.

Please continue to pray for all the new cardinals and those who shepherd us in our faith. A blessed experience but one with plenty of work still to be done!