From the desk of Fr. Noel…

ARCHBISHOP THOMAS COLINS TO BECOME CARDINAL – Pope Benedict has appointed our Archbishop Thomas Collins to be a Cardinal.  We offer our congratulations and our prayers to our Archbishop on receiving this prestigious honor in the Catholic Church.  The Consistory (ceremony to create cardinals) will be held at St. Peter’s on Saturday, February 18th, 2012.  Cardinals official function is to elect popes.

ANNUAL PRE-MARRIAGE COURSE – On the weekends of Friday evening and Saturday throughout the day, January 20/21 and January 27/28, the course is for couples to be married at St. Dominic’s in 2012.  This is an important time for our couples and they need the prayerful support of the whole parish.  Please pray that all our couples will be filled with love and wisdom as they prepare themselves for the sacrament of marriage.

THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY -  We are having an ecumenical Service for Christian Unity as St. Dominic’s on Wednesday, January 25th at 7:30 pm, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.  All our parishioners are kindly invited to welcome our friends from other local Christian Churches and to pray together for Christian Unity.  Fellowship to continue with light refreshments in the parish hall.