CHRISTMAS is a time for thanks.

Thanks to Anthony Bastianon and the SATB choir, to Mark Linsao and the Folk Choir for all their beautiful music at Christmas and throughout the year.  We are blessed with music at every Mass each weekend and we thank all the people engaged in Music ministry.  Thanks to all who volunteer at St. Dominic’s – our Lectors – who proclaim the Scriptures every week, the Ministers of Eucharist who are charged with the responsibility of distribution Holy Communion each week and  thanks to those extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who take the sacrament to our parishioners at home or in hospitals or  institutions  ; Thanks to the Ministers of Hospitality who welcome  us each week, to those responsible for coffee after the 10:00 am Mass, to our Altar Servers who help the priest at Mass. Thanks to all who bring us “The Ministry of the Word for  Children”, a very important aspect at some of our Sunday liturgy, to the Catechists who bring the knowledge of God to our children attending public school we says thanks;  to the catechists Involved in First Communion, First Reconciliation and those involved in Confirmation we thank you for your participation.  Thanks to the many dedicated people who are involved in our baptisms and weddings. To all married couples who produce our pre-marriage course we say thank you. 
Thanks to Knights and the many volunteers who helped decorate the church during this Christmas season and on other special occasions throughout the year.
Thanks to the youth group with the assistance of some adults who hosted “Encounter with Santa Clause on Sunday, December 18th.  It was a lot of fun for all the children.  It was a lot of fun for all the children, parents and grandparents who attended.  Thanks to Jennifer Van de Coevering who organized the Christmas Eve’s children’s mass.  We were blessed with so many angels and shepherds, even some wise men.  Thanks to Parish Social Ministry and St. Vincent de Paul for bringing the Caring & Sharing outreach initiative to the people in our community who are in need at Christmas. We would also like to thank them for their ministry to the needy all year long.  We would also like to thank you, our generous parishioners who support these programs all year long. Thanks to our team of handymen who quietly and diligently do the task of repairing pews, doors and answer to the call when the need arises. Thanks to Anne Abbott and her team who each year co-ordinates the Parish Skating Party. To all of you who volunteer for some ministry in Church especially those of you we may have forgotten we say a very big “thank you”.  We really do appreciate all you do for the parish and the community of St. Dominic’s.