From the desk of Fr. Phil

I would like to thank the co-ordinators of our Annual Christmas Bazaar, Ann Worobec and Maria Volpe. I know that much work went on behind the scenes to make this event successful.  Many thanks to all those who came on board to help in any way.
This past week I received a letter from the Broken Wings Mission in Haiti which expressed gratitude for your generosity and support while the dancers were in town. I second that thank-you!
I am not sure where the time has gone but next Sunday is the first week in the season of Advent and it will be an extremely busy weekend for many reasons.  We will bless the Advent Wreath and light the first purple candle; all the new prayers, music and liturgical changes must be in place and our children preparing for Sacraments will receive their crosses which will set them apart as special people in our community. We need to keep in our prayers as they approach the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.  I hope that you will enjoy the different rites and rituals that begin with the beautiful season of Advent.  Just to give you some advance notice, there will be a Christmas Concert in the church on December 17 at 7:30 performed by some music major students from York University. Fr. Leo will be arriving on December 15th and will give a mission on December 19, 20 21.  He will perform a Spanish Christmas carol in the December 17th concert. Further information about our up-coming events will be published in the bulletin. I hope you will enjoy the wonderful season of Advent.