From the desk of Fr. Phil….

As we move through the changes in the Roman Missal and the Liturgy, I thank you for your patience, understanding and wisdom. As I mentioned in the talk last Sunday, change is difficult no matter what it is. However, I know that we will master the changes very well and adapt to the new liturgy just fine. It is true that the Mass tends to be a bit longer with some of the new music and procedures, in particular the many periods of silence instituted during the celebration. As I said last weekend, the reason we are here is to praise and worship. We should not be so concerned with time when, on the average, the mass is about 1 hour and 10 minutes. To do justice to the liturgy on Sunday morning is more important than trying to rush through it so as to be finished within a certain time frame. A weekday Mass can be done in 45 minutes. Mass on television is over in 30 because of the cost of production. However, weekend liturgies, when they are done with dignity, are going to be a little longer now. As we are only in the learning stages of the new liturgy I would simply ask you to be patient while we sort out all of the changes thus far and the ones that are to come. Both of us are following the new directives of the Church as handed down to us by the Canadian Bishops. Adjustments still need to be made here and there but please understand that all of this is new to Fr. Noel and me too.   I hope you have a great week.
Fr. Phil