From the desk of Fr. Phil….

I would like to thank the Knights of Columbus for the wonderful evening of Oktoberfest this weekend. Thanks to those who were able to attend and support this event. I hope you had a great time with your friends and fellow parishioners. 
Our Youth Group had a very interesting presentation and slide show last Sunday giving us a glimpse into their experience at World Youth Day in Spain this past summer. Thanks to all of you for your efforts and thanks to those who attended.  The Youth group presented me with a gift to the parish which I hope to display soon, somewhere in the church.
I also wanted to thank our musicians once again for the wonderful job they are doing in learning the new music for the liturgy and thank you all for your efforts at learning as well.  Last Sunday I heard many people singing the new music.
Thank-you all for your patience and understanding as we continue to make the necessary changes by November 27th.
I hope you will have a great week!
Fr. Phil