From the desk of Fr. Phil…

Welcome back to all of you who have been away on vacation. I trust, whether we were able to get away or not, that we have all enjoyed the beautiful weather this summer.

Finally, we have an air-conditioned building, not only for Mass celebrations on those hot, sticky, Sundays, but also for the many weddings, funerals and other liturgical functions that occur during the week. I am indebted to those who contributed to this fund as we have raised over $32,000 thus far. We still have a ways to go but I am confident that we will meet the final goal in short order. The funds raised at our dinners, dances and other parties this year will go towards paying off the air-conditioning bill in full.

Congratulations to all those couples who have been married here this year and to those who have begun their new life with us in the Sacrament of Baptism. Six members of our parish attended World Youth Day in Spain with a side trip to Rome and I hope that at some point, they will be able to share their experience with us. The Grey Sisters of the Dominican Republic were overwhelmed at Fiesta Dominicana by your generosity and welcome. I bring you their heartfelt thanks!

Summer is a time when many of us are away and I would like to thank our Lectors, Ministers of Communion, Ministers of Welcome and Altar Servers for altering their usual times and schedules to ensure that our ministries were covered every Sunday. We have been blessed with music at every Mass this summer and I thank those musicians who switched Masses and doubled up to provide us with musical leadership. I look forward to the return of our choirs in the coming weeks.

I would like to thank Mr. Ken Hoad, the leader and co-ordinator of our Ministers of Welcome since 2002. Ken has decided to pass on the reigns to someone else after 9 years of faithful, dedicated, service. Thank-you Ken! Your dedication to this ministry is very much appreciated. Mr. Gary MacDonald, currently a minister of welcome, a Pastoral Council member and our Deputy Grand Knight will assume leadership of this ministry.

As we begin a new school year, I wish the members of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, our teachers and students, every blessing as they continue their roles in the important task and privilege of Catholic Education.  Along with our Principal, Silvina Wolf, at St. Dominic Catholic School, I look forward to working with Ann Marie Slak who is our new Principal at Queen of Heaven Catholic School. Welcome Ann Marie!

Parish activities this year will begin with a Ministry Fair on the weekend of September 17 – 18. Refreshments and a “Welcome Back” cake will be served at the fair after all Masses. I hope that we will be blest with more ministers in the many ministries available to you in our parish. As I look forward to the Fall colours, I thank you once again for your prayers and support!

Fr. Phil