From the desk of Fr. Phil…..

I hope you all had a great week! Last Saturday evening we celebrated Oktoberfest, another great experience of coming together socially at St. Dominic!  I would like to thank all the K of C members and their wives for putting this evening together in such a short time: the meal, the set-up and clean-up, the bar, the hall decorations, the music and indeed every aspect of the evening. Everyone worked very hard to make this happen for the parish.  Thank-you to the students from St. Paul who came on Friday to set up for us! A great time was had by all. Thanks to you, our parishioners and friends, who were able to attend and support us! Your attendance is very much appreciated.

This weekend our Youth Group is celebrating Halloween with a Halloween tea, coffee and bake sale in the hall after every Mass! 
This week, Monday and Tuesday, are very special days in the life of the Church: All Saints Day on Monday and All Souls Day on Tuesday.  The Feast of All Saints is a holy day of the Church honoring all saints, known and unknown. While we have information about many saints, and we honor them on specific days, there are many unknown or unsung saints, who may have been forgotten, or never been specifically honored. On All Saints Day, we celebrate these saints of the Lord, and ask for their prayers and intercessions.  On All Soul’s Day, we pray for the faithful departed, those who have been baptized, but who need to be completely purified of all stain of sin before they come into full union with God in Heaven.
                                 Prayer for All Saints
Father, All-Powerful and ever-living God, today we rejoice in  the holy men and women of every time and place.

May their prayers bring us your forgiveness and love.
 We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,
our Lord, Amen.
                                 Prayer for All Souls
Merciful Father, hear our prayers and console us. As we renew  our faith in Your Son, whom you raised from the dead, strengthen our hope that all our departed brothers and sisters will share in His resurrection, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy  Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

Please write the names of those you wish to be remembered  in November Masses in our Holy Souls Book.
**Mass on both days is at 7:30 PM**