Offerings and Collections Last Week
OFFERTORY - $6886.71
Many thanks for your generosity Fr. Phil
- We had a great time last Saturday evening at the youth group coffee house. We experienced every form of entertainment from Josh Grobin, and Southern blues to poem readers and flamenco dancers! As I mentioned from the pulpit last Sunday, there is a lot of hidden talent in our midst. The entertainment, the food and the fellowship was all good. The youth group raised $490.00 towards their pilgrimage to Spain for World Youth Day. Many thanks to all who contributed to a great evening!
- The Knights of Columbus’ book sale was successful last weekend too. We obviously have many avid readers, music lovers and movie watchers in the parish as hundreds of items were sold between the two weekends. A total of $1265.00 was raised and I thank everyone who participated.
- Tuesday, October 5 marks the beginning of our discussion sessions under the title, “What is the point of being a Christian?” I know it will be a very worthwhile and interesting time so I hope you make some space in your busy week to attend this series. It all has to do with discussing and discovering why we do what we do as Church, members of Christ’s Body, and to know better our relationship with each other as the family of the Church. I am sure the series will spark many interesting ideas!
- Please remember that if you did not register your child/children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion last Sunday afternoon or Tuesday evening you should do this as soon as possible. The Public School Catechism program is well underway every Sunday. Please register as soon as possible for this program too!
Wishing you all a good week and God’s Blessings! Fr. Phil Jones