From the desk of Fr. Phil…

I trust you had a good week.  Things are getting busy  again as many of our programs are beginning for another season  .We are blest to have 6 new people wishing to convert to the Catholic faith and we wish them every blessing on their journey as well as the promise of our prayers. Thanks again to Barbara-Anne Krampert  for her leadership of the program.  
 Our catechism program for children in public schools begins this weekend too.  My  thanks to Mary Cordeiro and Yolanda Swanson., 
Thanks to all of you who were able to donate books to the Knights of Columbus used book sale this weekend.  The Knights of Columbus are always looking for new members and you may inquire about them by calling me, emailing me  at or David Bain, our Grand Knight at  New members are always welcome.                                 Please remember that the Youth Group is holding their second COFFEE HOUSE with refreshments, home-made pizza and baked goods on September 25th after the 5pm Mass.  Come and entertain us by playing an instrument, singing, dancing or whatever you enjoy doing. All proceeds will go to our youth.