I trust everything went well during the first week back at school. Fr. Noel and I attended the opening ceremonies at Queen of Heaven Catholic School last Tuesday to begin the celebrations for their 50th anniversary. The affair was well attended with many parents and students present for the Liturgy of the Word. It was great to see our school Council representatives from the parish there too! An address was also given by the Principal, Mrs. Cheryl Cauduro, Our Catholic School Trustee, Mr. Mario Pascucci and our new Superintendant, Mr. Charles Blanchard. The proceedings ended with a final blessing and ribbon cutting. I will keep you informed of the various celebrations throughout the year. In May 2011, we will celebrate with Queen of Heaven School here at the church.
I want to thank the Youth Group for all their work during the car wash and BBQ to raise funds for World Youth Day. Thanks to all of you who were able to come out and support them by having your car washed and purchasing the BBQ lunch. I hear that the desert skewers were a real hit. Your support is greatly appreciated by all. The next event will be a COFFEE HOUSE on Saturday September 25th at 6 pm. Entry is by donation. Baked goods and refreshments will be available for purchase. Please consider coming out for this evening of entertainment and music. Everyone is welcome!! The cookbook preparations are on-going and we are looking for more recipes and thank those who have already sent the favorites in.
The air-conditioning fund continues to grow and I am looking at the submitted quotes and plans. Remember to watch the bulletin for the current numbers for all of our collections. Thanks to those who have already donated some used books to the Knights of Columbus for their book sale on September 18 – 19 in the hall after Mass. Last, but certainly not least, I am really happy to have our full senior choir and folk choir back with us at Sunday Mass. Many thanks to all those who kept us singing all summer too!!
I hope you all have a great week and may God bless you!