THANK YOU FATHER PHIL! On behalf of the parish community of St. Dominic’s we would like to thank you Father Phil, for preparing and facilitating such a special Holy Week and Triduum for us. Through your work and with the presence of Father Noel, Father Rudy and the preaching of Father Leo, those who were able to attend any or all of the liturgies were well prepared to celebrate the feast of Easter and sing in praise the great Alleluia!
THANK YOU TOO to all who helped make the liturgies such a joyous celebration; to the Altar servers, Ministers of Welcome; Eucharistic Ministers, Choirs and Musicians, those who decorated the church with flowers, those who worked behind the scenes, on the scenes….thank you for your commitment and dedication to St. Dominic’s.
CONGRATULATIONS and BLESSINGS... to the newest me mbers of our parish community received into the Catholic Church at Easter Vigil: Jean Elizabeth Gormick, Jeremy Wenzel, Jeff Winrow and Jacqueline Vanin , to their sponsors and to the RCIA team who journeyed with them – Barbara Ann Krampert, and Marty Barreca and to the newly confirmed Alexander Montiel and Kevin Louro.