HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR 2010 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES. We urge you to please pick up your envelopes. The envelopes are upstairs in the vestibule of the church. If you are new to the parish please register using the blue registration form. If you would like to start using envelopes, please provide your name, address and phone number and email address on the sign-up sheet. You may wish to consider Pre-Authorized Giving , worry-free way of making monthly donations. Forms are available at the entrances or at the office.
PLEASE DESTROY ALL PREVIOUS YEARS OFFERTORY ENVELOPES. DO NOT USE OLD ENVELOPES. YOUR ENVELOPE NUMBER MAY HAVE CHANGED AND YOUR DONATIONS MAY BE CREDITED TO SOMEONE ELSE. So we can accurately credit you with your donations we ask that you please fill out your envelope completely with your name, address and amount of your donation.