From the desk of Fr. Phil…

· My first experience of the Christmas bazaar to help fund our resettlement program last Saturday was very encouraging and rewarding. Thank you to the students at St. Dominic School and members of our youth group and various others for the set up and take down of the hall. I was able to be with many people I had not had the chance to meet before. There was a great community spirit at work amongst the workers and those who came to shop. It was obvious to me that a lot of hard work was done by the coordinators and the helpers to make our bazaar the best it could be. I would like to thank all those who volunteered, organized and attended the Christmas Bazaar. It was a great success, not only in terms of the funds raised, but also in terms of community building. A true parish community has two major components: The Spiritual and the social. Both enhance our relationship with God and with each other. The bake table was very busy all day and I thank those who signed up and brought baked goods. Thanks too, to outside donors who donated to the bake table and the food for lunch. The lunch counter, bake table and various raffles and draws really give us the opportunity to raise a lot of funds over and above the vendor fees. True community spirit makes this all happen! Thank-you to Santa for dropping by and taking pictures with the kids. Your presence put us all in the Christmas spirit! Congratulations to all our prize winners too!

· As most of you know by now, the Archbishop has temporarily suspended Holy Communion on the tongue, Holy Communion from the cup, Holy water fonts and the shaking of hands at the sign of peace due to the H1N1 flu. He has also asked that all Ministers of Communion use a hand sanitizer before and after distributing Holy Communion. In addition to this, the Archbishop has recommended that anyone who is ill or feeling sick remain at home until those symptoms pass. The Sunday Televised Mass is broadcast each Sunday on CTV, airing at 8:30 am. Thank-you for your co-operation in all these matters!

· The Season of Advent is nearly upon us and we will soon be asking Beginning next weekend…we are happy to continue the tradition of inviting a family or individuals to come forward for the Lighting of the Advent Wreath at the beginning of each Mass during Advent. A sign up sheet is posted in the vestibule of the Church - please write in your name and telephone number for the mass that you would like to have your family light the advent candles.

· We are planning a New Year’s Eve party in our hall on December 31st. The evening will begin with Mass at

7 pm followed by a party downstairs in the hall. There will be a cold buffet with cold cuts, various salads, rolls and butter, a dessert table and a cash bar. A DJ will provide music for the evening. Tickets will go on sale shortly and the cost for the evening is $20.00 per adult; children 10 years and under $12.00. This is an opportunity to come and socialize with your families, your fellow parishioners and your friends and ring in the New Year! We will sell only 150 tickets so make plans early to join us for this event.

I trust that you will all have a great week.