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Sacrament of Eucharist

:: Eucharist

At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Christian Passover meal that is celebrated and received at every Mass. During the sacrifice of the Mass, the priest, who acts in the person of Christ the Head of the Church, imitates the actions and words of Christ. The bread and wine offered truly become the Body and Blood of Christ, our Paschal Lamb. All Catholics in attendance who are spiritually prepared (i.e. not aware of having committed any mortal sins) participate in this sacrificial meal.Adults baptized into the Roman Catholic tradition who have never received First Communion should contact Beverly O’Grady, Parish Catechist. Members of other Christian faiths that are not in communion with the Catholic faith should not receive the Eucharist. Those non-Catholics interested in participating in the Catholic Eucharist should contact the Parish Catechist for more information.Please consult our “Bulletin” tab on this web site for the list of current mass times at St. Dominic’s Parish.If you know of someone who is shut in and unable to attend Sunday Eucharist, please notify the parish to arrange for a Minister of Eucharist to visit.

:: Reconciliation

Reconciliation or “Confession” is the sacrament by which we receive God’s healing forgiveness for sins committed after Baptism. The rite is called “reconciliation” because it reconciles us not only with God but with the Church community. Since the sacrament of Reconciliation has evolved quite a bit in the last 30 years, Catholics often ask how often one should receive Reconciliation? Individuals who are in a state of serious sin should celebrate Reconciliation prior to the reception of Eucharist. The regular celebration of Reconciliation is also encouraged for all Catholics not in a state of serious sin as a means of healing and forgiveness. During the seasons of Advent and Lent St. Dominic’s parish provides a communal Penitential service, with opportunity for individual Reconciliation following the service. Please see the bulletin for dates and times.The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available each Saturday from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm and at other times by appointment.

:: First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

While the first experience of Reconciliation with God is Baptism, we celebrate the first sacramental confession prior to First Communion. Children in the parish are asked to prepare for the sacrament Reconciliation prior to preparing for First Communion.Preparation for these two sacraments generally takes place when children have reached the age of seven or older. Registration meetings are held in late September and preparation for First Reconciliation (confession) takes place during October and November. Baptismal certificates for the child are needed for registration. If children are not attending a Catholic school, they will require ongoing religious education (using the program provided in Catholic schools) For more information or to register for the program, please contact Beverly O’Grady, Pastoral Associate at 905-278-7762.